Listed here are a set of websites that have been proven to allow the selling of counterfeit items. It is advised that you avoid buying items from these stores unless from known artist or if directed to these stores by a veritable dealer/artist. If in doubt search the artist and ask their advice and knowledge. Many places on the internet sell items on the black market, which are produced in China illegally.
It should be pointed out that the sites themselves are NOT directly responsible for selling counterfeit goods and some do have active takedown processes, see here! The simple fact is that many open their doors to any sellers, and do not curate works added.
You will also see that a great deal of these sites are Pacific Rim based, and the ones in the western regions are primarily hosts to Pacific Rim sellers.
• Please note the ‘Counterfeit Rating’ is based on artists, associated to Artistic License, personal experience in infringements found on the site. The ‘Takedown’ Score is based on actual experience.
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