There is a need to evolve the way art is represented in society. Whether educationally, via client/artist interaction, how it is viewed and how it is misused (in venues like the internet). A group of like-minded and concerned creatives started discussing things about what they see as the problems. What arose out of that, is the simple idea that a massive artist collective acting as a community of support could change this. And change it for the positive aspects of creativity. Look at the list below and ask which if not all these items concern you or affect you:
If the matter of fact is that you see many of these as issues then that is the reason we have started this initiative to draw artists together (‘cuse the pun). Working as artists who know what we want from the industry, a community initiative is the way that we can make everyone’s lives better. The passion that drives you to be creative, should also drive you to expect respect for your rights.
- Internet theft
- Uncredited work
- Lack of good education
- Contract issues
- Royalty issues
- Plagiarism
- Copyright issues
- Legal standing
- Misrepresentation

Radical Artist
”An artist with extreme views toward those who violate their ability to work, and hold the IPR rights on their creations. Frustrated with the DMCA and how there is no law that protects the small artists from the internet and image thieves.”

The Caped Crusader
”An artist with extreme views toward those who violate their ability to work, and hold the IPR rights on their creations. Frustrated with the DMCA and how there is no law that protects the small artists from the internet and image thieves.”

Peace loving Artist
”An artist with extreme views toward those who violate their ability to work, and hold the IPR rights on their creations. Frustrated with the DMCA and how there is no law that protects the small artists from the internet and image thieves.”

Super hero
”An artist with extreme views toward those who violate their ability to work, and hold the IPR rights on their creations. Frustrated with the DMCA and how there is no law that protects the small artists from the internet and image thieves.”
By working together and building a community of artists, we aim to help all artists work better within the industry, by presenting information, representing needs and giving advise and the rights and wrongs of creative interaction with the industry, for the benefit of the artists.
Better internet protection
Seting up internet connections to allow an evolution in the way images are shared on the internet. Collaborate with image companies on security measures.
Stronger industry association
Making connections with the important industry figures to cement a relationship towards being the single voice for the community. A community spokesman that knows the artist’s needs, so they can work better for them.
Illegal art use crack-down
Developing a database of offenders and also creating a method of dealing with internet thieves; whether through education, legal means or simply evolving a process for better protection.
Better royalties for artists
Looking at collaborating with the industry to seek better remunerations for work and sales provided by creatives in any walk of life. Making the public see that art is a job that makes people a living.
Database listings for resources
Having a strong home of information that can provide valuable data for artists; whether that information is to protect their livelihood or linking to useful resources and information.
Centralised area for information
Creating a community where information can be shared, stored and utilised for the benefit of the artistic community.
Some recent Comments!